What is Breathwork?

Breathwork engages the body’s energy systems to remove blocks and connect you to your emotional center, your creativity, your intuition, and your heart. By breaking through these energetic blocks, the body’s inherent ability to release stuck energy and heal itself is stimulated. Breathwork is performed while lying down and while intense sensations or emotions may arise ultimately there is a clarity and closeness to self that rises to support you. The breath holds the agenda.

The Process

  • A one-on-one breathwork session begins with a conversation about where you're feeling stuck, what you want to get clear on, or what you are wanting to heal. I'll guide you through a presencing meditation to set the stage.

  • From there, I'll teach you a simple breathing pattern which you'll practice while I guide you on your healing journey. I will utilize sound, essential oils, inquiry, and other tools to aid in the healing experience. I will support you in moving dense energy and opening your heart, you and your breath will create the healing.

  • We'll conclude the breathwork with gentle breathing, where the powerful integration can occur. Insights and after-care guidance will be shared. These sessions are offered in-person at my office in Beverly or virtually, from the comfort of your home.

Where awareness goes, energy flows. As you breathe your spirit flows into you, you will find peace and contentment. It is like returning home.

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Some of the benefits of breathwork…

  • Renewed energy and clarity

  • Opens your heart to the power of self-love

  • The breath brings us into our body so we can experience presence and deep support

  • Heightened intuition

  • Feel the universe filling you with air on your inhalation and experience your own dynamic life force

  • Releases stuck energy in the body, healing is stimulated

  • It helps you explore altered states of consciousness

Breathwork is one of the most powerful healing modalities I have ever witnessed. It is my honor to facilitate your own self-healing and self-exploration through breath.